Max writes an amazing copy pasta. Challenges everyone from Reddit to Dawkins : r/HumanFanClub
Reddit – Dive into anything
I am not a bot | Copypasta | Know Your Meme
I made this copypasta and r/teenagers thought this shit was real ? : r/playboicarti
Wholesome copypasta : r/wholesomememes
Images are up, upvote screenshots of copypasta worthy material : r/copypasta
Reddit user falls hard for US Marine copypasta : r/cringepics
wake up babe, new copypasta just dropped : r/feedthememes
r/copypasta material…? : r/AwardSpeechEdits
New copypasta? (comment on a speedrun video) : r/speedrun
R/copypasta : r/Tinder
Copypasta is ageist. : r/oldpeoplefacebook
I thought the copypasta subreddit was funny until… : r/onejoke
Thank you r/copypasta for this enlightening information : r/ComedyNecrophilia
Fan Submission ”copy pasta” All… – Reddit Ridiculousness | Facebook
Copypasta is my drug of choice, I guess : r/AteThePasta
Bad copypasta >:( : r/EmojiPolice
AITB for pasting a copypasta in response to a comment that specifically asked for it? : r/AmItheButtface
Reddit – Dive into anything
Is this a bad copypasta or is this really her own sales pitch because um… : r/antiMLM
Cursed Copypasta : r/tumblr
People took my copypasta seriously lmao : r/AteThePasta
this was the copypasta the reddit admin removed : r/teenagersnew
All he did was post a copypasta : r/AwardSpeechEdits
r/apexlegends got some peak copypasta today : r/Gamingcirclejerk
Reddit Gave Me A ’Hate Warning’ For Posting A Copypasta : r/mildlyinfuriating
Copypasta isn’t funny by definition! ”What’s complex for a child like you is often trivial or routine for a scientist like me.” : r/iamverysmart
Reddit – Dive into anything
It Is Prime Overanalyzing And Copypasta But What Do You Think? : r/PokeMoonSun
Reddit user doesn’t understand copypasta : r/woooosh
Anyone got the copypasta text? : r/classicwow
TIL that a lot of people take that Rick and Morty copypasta seriously… : r/rickandmorty
wisereditor triggers the copypasta du jour : r/Downvotefarmers
I’ve just bamboozled a mod using a copypasta : r/madlads
AITB for pasting a copypasta in response to a comment that specifically asked for it? : r/AmItheButtface
These are all replies to a copy pasta making fun of people who link to woooosh outside of Reddit… They didn’t get the message. (Comments for copypasta) : r/ihavereddit
Please tell me this is a copypasta… : r/2007scape
Shawn Presser on Twitter: ”/r/SubSimulatorGPT2 generated the Navy Seals copypasta in the style of uwotm8. /zmuGoGqM73 /Outblh0OIl” / Twitter
Pokemon Vaporeon Copypasta, Origin, Meme, Did you Know? Reddit, extended in 2023 | Memes, Pokemon, Water type pokemon
Alejandra Caraballo on Twitter: ”There’s a running copypasta list on reddit that was filled with every AB drama. That thing now takes multiple posts to properly list. The entire thing is insane.
take that shit back to Instagram | Copypasta | Know Your Meme
Allowing talktotransformer and textsynth to write replies to me on /r/ copypasta for over a week now. These are the most upvoted comments. : r/SubSimulatorGPT2Meta
People still fall for the ”you just got downvoted” copypasta : r/AteThePasta
Reddit what’s a copypasta i heard it from a bitch lasagna lol TOXIC reddit users Explained . /3ExLRd8Dg3Q : r/h1z1
What’s up with people putting emojis in copypastas? : r/OutOfTheLoop
Eating the pasta… On /r/Copypasta! : r/AteThePasta